ECF are committed to taking a proactive approach to HSEQ matters thus allowing us to maintain a safe working environment in any operations we undertake. We continue to develop effective Health, Safety, Environment and Quality practices and procedures.
ECF Engineering Ltd and its employees are committed to maintaining the highest standards of safety by devoting the human and capital resources necessary to create a working environment in which our people can work without injury or incident, so far as is reasonably practicable.
We also fully accept our responsibility for other persons who may be affected by our activities. We will also take steps to ensure that our statutory duties are always met.
Each employee will be given such information, instruction and training, as is necessary to enable them to carryout their activities safely. Our managers recognise the responsibility for managing health and safety within the Company's operations and believe that all injuries and incidents at work are preventable. Working safely is a condition of employment for all employees and contractors.
ECF Engineering Ltd firmly believes that the management of health and safety is the responsibility of all employees but must be led by line management. Accordingly, we require all operational managers to:
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